I’ve never been a pinball wizard, but I was losing balls left and right here and it still took a good 15 minutes before I finally got a game over. My complaints are minor: for starters, the table feels kind of easy. This looks, sounds, and functions exactly like a real pinball table should. This could very easily be an official DLC release for one of those aforementioned pinball collections and I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash (in fact, if you ask me, this is better than Pinball FX, which has always had weird ball physics). Still, I find myself fascinated by a good pinball table, and this honestly caught me off guard. And now, with access to digital pinball collections like Pinball Arcade and Pinball FX, I don’t actually find myself playing as much pinball as I thought I would when I was 14 years old. Pinball is one of those things where I’ve always been obsessed with it, but never very good at it.